Lease Audit Can Be Vital For Problem Resolution
Auditing your lease abstraction is a vital advantage for resolving issues and ensuring your agreements are running smoothly. Leases are complicated, as they contain many clauses and terms you need to assess to ensure compliance. Your written agreement must account for every variable and possibility. That’s a double-edged blade, as more clauses allow for more errors. That’s why our lease auditing service aims to provide the data you need to guarantee your goals.

Why You Should Outsource Lease Audits?
Outsourcing is becoming more common and advantageous as time goes by. We cooperate with your company to narrow down the most important aspects of your lease and acquire the necessary information. Sophistication and software implementation is another reason why you should outsource this task. Audits require specialized skills to guarantee results. Implementing modern software goes a long way to streamline the process, yet it can be expensive. We allow you to leverage all the benefits of having a specialized department. You simply get to save time and resources without needing to worry about having the necessary tools and resources.

Validity Check
Today, the main focus for most lease audits is to determine whether or not specific expenses are valid according to your lease agreement. Compliance is vital if you want to enjoy a healthy relationship with your tenants, and audits ensure that compliance.
We’ve helped clients spot significant unnecessary expenses, usually resulting from non-compliance with the lease agreement. That’s normally because of misinterpretation of the agreement’s clauses, resulting in a lack of accuracy in charges.

Resolving Disputes
When an agreement makes up the core of the tenant-landlord relationship, disputes boil down to who understands said agreement better. Most disputes come from different interpretations of the terms and clauses within the document.
Lease audits let you identify who’s objectively right in the case. Referring back to the lease agreement is all you need since these files contain the answers to all doubts. Our service points out the necessary terms to settle any issue between the parts.

Data Verification
Disputes aren’t the only instance where lease audits can save you a lot of time and money. Auditing your leases is vital if you wish to onboard new properties into your portfolio or even verify that your balances are in accordance with the initial agreement.
Our audit services are ideal for spotting inconsistencies between different databases. These databases include legacy and newly-implemented systems, as well as financial records. You should always know whether or not your leases are as profitable as they should be.

Minimizing Problems
Leveraging professionals means you don’t have to worry about accuracy issues and missing important information. Lease audits should keep any problems away from you, not cause more. That’s why outsourcing is cost-effective with the right service.
Most companies accept mistakes at first because they’re part of the onboarding process. However, outsourcing lets you skip the initial phase, thus saving time and money. Besides that, you can reap the benefits as soon as possible, which translates into a relevant boost to profitability.

Accessing Modern Software
The main difference between outsourcing and internal departments comes with the tools you have access to. Creating a new department includes expenses like payrolls, equipment, and training. These expenses often result in a lower budget for software implementation.
Outsourcing your lease audits lets you access the latest software available, which you would otherwise have to forego to integrate the necessary resources. It’s also worth noting that training and onboarding aren’t issues since our resources are well experienced with the systems.
Why Us?
At KriyaGo, we allow you to leverage professional resources with years of experience helping out small and large companies with different needs. Our skills and software grant all the functions you need to access a premium service for a lower rate than an in-house department. Our solutions also make up a comprehensive methodology. We prioritize your company’s growth, and that translates into tailor-made services that adapt to your situation. Our service is more than merely auditing; we work with you to guarantee you achieve your goals.